Member in Training (MIT) Information

What is required to be eligible to be a member of SAI at Augustana College?

To become a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, you must have:

How much will joining SAI cost?

The total cost is $300, divided into two installments:

But that's a lot of money...

Yes, it is a financial commitment, but not all the money is due at the same time. The first installment of $50 is due after informal and formal rush at the time of pinning. The second installment is due when the national membership exam is taken, which is about five weeks after pinning (when the first installment is due). If there are more financial concerns the chapter is willing to work out payment plans to fit other needs.

What will I do as a MIT?

You will be able to:

That sounds like a lot...How much of my time is this going to take?

We want you to be committed, but we don't want you to give up everything else in your life. Keep your priorities straight, and there should be plenty of time for everything.

But I don't like performing in front of people...

Don't worry, it makes most people nervous. We intend to support each other in our musical interests and efforts. MIT classes often choose to put on a MIT recital, which is a low-key, relaxing way to do meet this requirement. We encourage duets, trios, etc. It doesn't have to be on your primary instrument, either. Have a good time and be creative!

What are the dues I must pay as an active member?

The dues for actives are $100.00 once per year, or a payment plan of $40/$40/$20 across all three terms. This includes national and local dues.

After I'm initiated, what do I have to do to remain an active member of SAI?

Active members are expected to: