CHST-200TR Transfer Elective (1-12 Credits)
(PH, G) An overview of Chinese culture, with emphasis on various aspects within Chinese society, including religions, literature, art, language and philosophy. Readings are supplemented by audiovisual material, discussion and projects. Taught in English. May not take CHST-240 if CHST-340 has already been taken.
CHST-240 Intro Chinese Culture (4 Credits)
(PH, G) An overview of Chinese culture, with emphasis on various aspects within Chinese society, including religions, literature, art, language and philosophy. Readings are supplemented by audiovisual material, discussion and projects. Taught in English. May not take CHST-240 if CHST-340 has already been taken.
CHST-260 Introduction to Chinese Films (4 Credits)
(PA, G) Introduction to Chinese films and culture produced in the Chinese-speaking world.
CHST-340 Intro Chinese Culture (4 Credits)
(PH, G) Meets with 240 but expects extra in-depth work incorporating Chinese language texts. Also encourages critical thinking and creativity through analysis of various aspects of Chinese society. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May not take CHST-340 if CHST-240 has already been taken.