
Biology 358

A course taught by a modified Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach involving the study of the structure and three-dimensional relationships of the central and peripheral nervous systems of humans, correlated with normal and abnormal function.

This course is taught as a "Flipped" Course

Neuroanatomy is taught as a "flipped course." In such a course students download and view lecture material in video format before coming to class. Lecture content and associated PBL-problems will then be discussed in class in order to more fully understand the lecture content.


Although the individual lecture objectives are explained at the beginning of each lecture in the Neuroanatomy Lecture Note Series (7th ed.), my overall course objectives are summarized as follows. At the completion of this course you should have:

  • Gained factual knowledge, including new neuroanatomical terminology and knowledge.
  • Learned how to apply course material to improve your thought processes, problem-solving skills, and decision-making processes.
  • Developed a 3-dimensional understanding of neuroanatomical relationships for all structures discussed within each region of the nervous system.
  • Developed specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by neuroanatomists.
  • Acquired skills in working with others as a member of a team.
  • Learned how to find and use resources by answering questions or solving problems.
  • Increased your written communication skills.
  • Increased your ability to work with others.
  • Increased your test-taking abilities.
  • Accomplished the specific goals listed at the beginning of each lecture section, as outlined in the Neuroanatomy Lecture Notes.

No textbooks requied for this class.